USS Missouri BB-63
by Nicholas Boyd

1/535 USS Missouri BB-63 (Revell-Monogram)

This is The USS Missouri in its Post-War paint scheme. It only took my 7 days to complete this model, but it was one of the easiest I've ever tried. The Rounded Plaque on the base reads: "Over this spot on the 3rd of September 1945 the instrument of formal surrender of Japan to the allied powers was signed thus bringing to a close the second world war." This plaque was placed on the deck to comemorate the end of the war. It now remains anchored next to the Arizona wreck. A truly fitting role for such a ship to have the symbolism of the second world war from beginning to end in one place. The details could not be perfected as the scale is way to small for Revell to add details such as sailors or rails.

Nicholas Boyd
