USS Missouri BB-63
by Michael Wain

1/700 USS Missouri BB-63 (Tamiya)

>This is the 2nd of 3 battleships I have made for a friend. It is the Tamiya 1/700 USS Missouri. I have modelled her as she appeared in 1945 in MS22 camouflage. Again no there was no requirements for rigging/railings or a base. Just the model built out of the box with some etch details. I have used the GMM US battleships etch set to replace things like the catapults/crane/radars/yardarm and various ladders/hatches and doors. This was the first time I have done an SK2 radar in etch and I have to say it looks so much better than the kit part. The painting was done with WEM colourcoats with the weathering done with black ink/drybrushing and use of the Tamiya weathering pack. This was a straightforward build of a very nice kit and I look forward to doing my Iowa and Missouri. Many thanks to John Snyder with help on the camouflage.'

Michael Wain
