IJN Yamato
by Mr. Wachowski
1/100 Japanese Battleship Yamato (Scratchbuit)

The model is made of steel in scale 1:100 in lenght and weight! Length:267cm, Width:41cm, Height: 57cm, weight: 80kg.model is made from brass,copper and steel. 5 years of work (5000 hours). 

In the background is the
De Grasse

Made in 1:105 scale. lenght 202cm, width 22cm. 

When Germany invaded France in 1940, several ships were captured in French shipyards,  including the incomplete cruiser De Grasse . In August of 1942, it was considered to complete the ship as a light aircraft carrier. Although this had to be done in its original shipyard in Lorries, detailed plans were made. In February 1943 construction was halted since it proved to be too expensive in terms of work and material and the whole project was in danger because of increasing air raids and sabotage.

The De Grasse was finally completed as a cruiser by the French navy in 1956, after over 10 years of construction.

Both ships were made by Mr Wachowski from Warsaw, he asked me to sell it. Any offers can be sent to Sulewski Piotr e-mail: parasulek@op.pl

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