Japanese Light Cruiser HIJMS Tama 
by John Dohmen 

1/200 HIJMS Tama (Scratchbuilt)

HIJMS Tama was a light cruiser used by the Imperial Japanese Navy, more information about the ship is available on Wikipedia.
I started the model in 2010, after a long time of silence, I proceeded on the model six months ago and finished it. I decided in 2010 to build a cut open model of the ship to show the fore ship, boilers- and turbine rooms.

I used an Ushio Shobo drawing I bought way back in the seventieths of last century which shows the internals of the ship., also I used for detailing the model in the Gakken book about the Tama. I took me several years to find all the details I needed,  I think I have build a decent realistic model (I hope . I placed the model on a glass plate to show also the sea chests (in-and outlets) in the underwater ship.


John Dohmen

Gallery updated 10/29/2020

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