SCB-27A Essex 
by Gordon Buttars 

1/540 SCB-27A Essex CV-9 (Revell Kitbash)

Kitbash SCB-27A Essex  Here is a kit bash project I did several years ago to depict the Essex in 1952 during the Korean War. The hull and superstructure are from a Revell Essex kit, the flight deck and 5" guns are from a Linberg Yorktown kit, and the planes and 3" guns are from a midway kit. I had to lengthen the hull a little and reshape the bow and I modified the F9F Cougars to resemble Panthers. The Dragonfly helicopter is scratch built. The rudder and one propeller missing because my wife, bless her heart, thought the ship needed to be dusted.

Gordon Buttars

Gallery updated 4/16/2024
