The Revell Essex carrier is not exactly the best kit on the market, most people would go out and simply buy a Hasegawa kit. Unfortunatly, a few years ago. I only knew of a few model companies. Revell was one of them, and Hasegawa was not. Consequently, I have not one, but two Revell Essex kits. With all my 'examining' of kits on Steel navy and Model warships, I figured it was time I made an attempt to fix them. The first one (and the only one thus far) to undergo such changes is the Yorktown. The first and most apparant problem was the hidesouly inadequate "waterline" hull that made the ship look more like it was low after a torpedo hit. I decided to line the inside of the hull with cardboard as a "base" for the extension. I then covered it with modelling putty before sanding it back and then getting the waterline level using my dad's belt sander. It was looking alot better already after this, so I decided to go and swap the old Revell bofors with Skywave and Tamiya parts. In addition to this, I added details using stretched sprue for the "mizzen mast" behind the funnel and the rigging, and skywave rafts, 40mm machine gun galleries and range finders. The port side elevator rails was added using plasticard. The kit is still not finished. I intend to add WEM or GMM Photo etch for more detail, and, when I get around to buying more Skywave cruisers, I will add the 5" guns and fix the bow and stern overhangs of the flight deck. For the time being however, this is the result...