USS IOWA Turret No.2 "Remembering the 47." 
by Eric Mante 

1/72 USS IOWA Turret No.2 (TAKOM)

1. Model kit is the TAKOM 1/72 scale World War IIUSS Missouri Battleship 16” Gun Turret No.1 (Kit # 5015) which has beenconverted into a modern 1980’s USS Iowa battleship turret No.2 memorial to honor the 47 sailors who lost their lives in the April 19, 1989 16" gun turret No.2 explosion.

2. Mainturret color: Vallejo # 70.615 Light Ghost Gray, Turret roof is # 71.097 Gunship Gray and # 71.048Engine Gray.

3. Light gray dome (Spare model part.) on top of turret roof atthe front is a small radar unit that was used to measure the velocity of therounds as they left the barrel.

4. Extra ladders (Left and right side of turret.) were addedwith Plastruct HO scale # 90672 Styrene Ladders.

5. It was decided not to create any damage to the front of theturret (or anywhere else) as what the real turret # 2 had during the April 1989explosion as I felt this might upset or offend some people.

6. Gun barrels are in the approximate raised or loweredpositions as what the real turret had during the April 1989 USS Iowa turret # 2explosion.

7. Wooden engraved base built by

8. To add a bitmore detail to the model turret and base, I made the starboard (Right) side ofthe turret appear as it is displayed aboard the USS Iowa museum shipin San Pedro, California.a) Asmall staircase was scratch built with styrene strip.b) Theblack stanchions are actually HO scale model railroad parking meters that werecut down to size.c) Thelarge and small informational plaques under the starboard rangefinder hood areactual photos of the real plaques on the turret that were scaled down to anappropriate size on my computer, printed out, then attached under therangefinder hood.d) Therope on top of the stairs is a small piece of tassel from a cap.e) Thered and blue flowers are pieces from dollhouse accessories. But the whiteflowers didn’t exist as a dollhouse accessory, so I had to use tiny pieces ofwhite cotton.f) Thepeople are approximately 1/72 scale figures found at Hobby Lobby craft store.


Eric Mante

Gallery updated 7/17/2024
