by David J. Salvin |
1/700 Russian P11356M Frigates (YG Models)
The latest from my “super collector” patron is a pair of Russian P11356M frigates from YG models. Like other YG kits I have done recently, these are very well planned and executed. Clean, crisp molding, clear pictographic instructions and a good set of PE frets. The kits allow for the modeler to build any ship in the line, complete with hull numbers and individual names to match the hull numbers.Also, however, is the continuing trend within in YG kits, is the mis-numbering of parts (especially PE parts) and the difficulty in finding the numbers on the instruction sheet as the lines showing placement seem to disappear into the pictures in parts. Not the end of the world by any means. Over-all, a great kit with predictably good results.
Notable mentions include the PE included in the kit. PE frets include anchor chains, full radar arrays, all railings and (as I’ve mentioned with pleasure in the past) pre-made PE basket wire parts with the spacers which gives a nice, clean result without the need to scratchbuild.