USS Freedom
by Adam Mcleish

1/350 USS Freedom LCS-1 (Bronco)

This is the USS Freedom from Bronco, painted in her lower half haze grey and her structure in aluminum with the deck in Tamiya XF24 dark gray. Now with the deck, it again came out darker then when I've used it before as I mentioned on my previous JMSDF Murasame class destroyer which I thought i may have picked up the wrong jar but I hadn't. I had two more unopened jars of XF24 and the suspect one so I shook then all up and painted a test panel and it turned out that the XF24 that I used on my Murasame and Freedom was darker by a shade or two. I don't know if I contaminated it myself or not but I labeled it and put it aside but that being said, it still looks good. The railings are painted tyre black with the vertical posts alloy. the covers around the 30mm canons is Tamiya XF60 dark yellow which on the photos looks darker still but in reality it isn't and as I sit here drinking my bundaberg rum I can't remember the color I used for the blast shields around the sea ram launcher. The water jets are white with a touch of brown as the pics I have looked like that to me. I used a JAG warning circle around the main gun and used a Veterans helo and last but least I replaced the kit 50 cals with photo etch ones from an old etch set lying around.

Adam Mcleish

Gallery updated 8/26/2014
