USS Constitution 
by Dave Busch 

1/96 USS Constitution (Revell)

Upon reading Patrick O'Brian's Aubrey Maturin series of nautical history novels, I was compelled to build a model sailing vessel. Primarily, because I wanted to better understand the workings of a vessel from the Age of Sail. Having no experience building a model ship, I chose the larger scale 1:96 Revell Constitution model. Of course, as usual, my imagination got the better of me. Compelling me to add many additional parts, features and the creation of several videos. The photos of the ship were made by a colleague of mine who is a photographer. Hence the photos are: ©2012 Mark Einhaus.

Here are the links to the videos of the ship I have made.

"It Had to Be Built" A video about the inspiration, and subsequent obsession, with the building of a model of the USS Constitution, and my plan to expand the experience online.

"One by One - The Story of the USS Constitution" A historical dramatization (overly dramatic perhaps) of the impact the USS Constitution had on the formidable British Navy.

"Four Days Out" A compilation using images of the completed ship taken by a professional photographer, which also portrays real people who have joined the crew through Isaac Hull's Facebook page.

"The Fifer"  The young lady that currently serves as Fifer on this model is far too talented to play the simple melodies required to call the crew to dinner… or to battle stations. As evidenced here

"The Life of a Super Model" A documentation of the photo shoot itself… but with a fashion spin.

Dave Busch

Gallery updated 11/7/2014
