Spanish Galleon Santo Cristo, Jesús, María y José y las Ánimas 
by Pedro Comez Ramos 

1/285 Spanish Galleon (Pyro)

The kit is a Pyro Models from 1967. At that time the only model kits manufacturer of historical ships models on small scales. Fortunately there still remained on sale. In the box you can read "Spanish Galleon Emperor Charles V" and puts it in the Spanish Armada defeated by the English Fleet under the command of Sir Francis Drake in 1588. It's not correct. If it is a Spanish Galleon it would be Charles I (the First of Spain ) not Charles V ( the Fifth of Germany ) but that really doesn't matter much as he was Emperor of both territories.. If "Emperor Charles V"  is the ship's name it is also wrong because any ship of Spanish Fleet had the Monarch's name and any of Spanish Armada was named this way. In 1588 Emperor Charles had been dead for 30 years, was born 1500s and he died in 1558. It was his son Philip II who fought against Queen Elizabeth I and Sir Francis Drake. The date 1540 is due to the manufacturer is based on a model of Museo Naval de Madrid mentioned by Björn Landström in its well-known book "The Ship" ( First Edition 1964 Spanish translation 1964 Editorial Juventud, Barcelona . Original title: SKEPPET, Bokförlaget Forum AB edition, Stockholm, 1961 ISBN 84-261-5525-1 ) I put the author's drawing. He was a great painter and draughtsman. According to a translator's note of José María Martínez-Hidalgo , Technical Manager of Maritime Museum of Barcelona and author of the historical reconstruction of the "Nao Santa María" of Christopher Columbus, this model is not real . It's only a reproduction built in 1932 of a 16th century votive offering in the Sanctuary of the Virgin of Consolación in Utrera near of Seville but display how it was a ship of the period.

Cross, lantern, sails dressing and flags are extras. The crew and captain's dog are Railroad personnel, passengers and animals from Preiser Z scale 1/220 transformed. Name's ship according to the custom of the religiousness Catholic in Spain of the period.

Pedro Comez Ramos

Gallery updated 4/24/2019
