Spanish Sloop "Juno" 1799 
by Pedro Comez Ramos 

1/300 Spanish Sloop Juno (Langton Miniatures)

This was a common type of boat in all 18th Century european Navies. In English "Cutter" name referred to speed. These fast small sailing boats were used as despatch vessel and scout of the Fleet at a time without radio and radar ! Heavily armed ( 16 or 18 guns , 8 or 9 by side ) they did blitz attacks to largest ships ( as in the course of time did the torpedo boats ). In Spanish Navy they're called "balandra" ( Sloop ). The latest was in service as far as 1874. They were launched at El Ferrol Navy yard but others like this , by the name of Juno, mythological goddess were built in foreign countries and captured in action with other Navies.  The ship, officers, gunners and sailors are from Langton Miniatures. The sea water base too.

Pedro Comez Ramos

Gallery updated 8/17/2018
