German Navy U 22, Type 206A 
by Mathias Carl 

1/350 U 22 Type 206A (OKB Grigorov )

This is my model of German navy submarine U 22. It´s build from the OKB Grigorov kit. Because the kit contains only 5 parts, including the PE-fret, all details had to be scratchbuild. This includes the periscope, radar and signal mast, snorkel and UHF/SatCom mast. Also the sensors on the bow are scratchbuild, just as the diving fin. The kits steering fins at the rear end are too small and in the wrong position so that they had to be replaced by self made parts. The ice-protection-ring around the propeller is made from aluminum and the rod, marking the rear end of the hull is made from wire. The bollards and capstan just as the hawses are also scratchbuild from styrene rod and wire. The figure is from L´Arsenal. The model is painted with a mixture from Revell aquacolors, based on the description of former crew members of U22.

Mathias Carl

Gallery updated 2013
